

Circles are a potent opportunity for us to come together in a ritualized way in order to uplift and support one another.

Image Credit: Elaina Mortali, The Wild Woman Project

Image Credit: Elaina Mortali, The Wild Woman Project

The style of circle I offer comes from a heart-centered approach. As a graduate of the Wild Woman Project, we circle from a place where the intelligence of the mind drops down into the wisdom of the heart.

We allow our heart to guide us through the process of connection and deepening relationship with ourselves, as well as members of the circle; it is simultaneously intrapersonal and interpersonal.

We meet with the intention of learning to follow our own inner guidance, while integrating the wisdom of our fellow circlers and nature as well.

I truly believe we transform the world when we sit in circle. The power generated in one circle permeates out and ripples into the collective community. It is my deep honor and blessing to hold the space for these powerful events.

Monthly New Moon Circle: The New Moon signifies the end of a cycle and thus, the beginning of a new one, hence the name β€œnew” moon. It is empty and dark and full of potentiality for Creation; It is a time to plants seeds and set intentions for the next month.

Monthly Full Moon Circle: The Full Moon signifies the apex of energy in the moon cycle. It is bright and illuminated; It is a time of opportunity and magnification or a time of letting go.

This circle will include astrology, ritual, intention setting, meditation, movement, sharing, communal connection/upliftment, and magic!!!!

NEW Moon Circle dates:

For 2021: July 7, August 9, September 6, and October 6, November 4, and December 2.

FULL Moon Circle dates:

For 2021: July 21, August 23, September 20, and October 20, November 18, and December 16.

This 90-minute circle will meet bi-monthly from 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm MST, online via Zoom.

Cost: $15.

To register, click here, and please contact me with any questions.